Oilfield Overtime – Cases Continue to be Filed in the Western District of Texas
There were 170 FLSA cases filed in the Western District of Texas in 2022. That is a six-percent drop from the 181 cases filed under the FLSA in the WDTX in 2021, and down significantly from the 201 cases filed in 2020. However, the numbers are slightly deceiving, as a large number of the cases filed in 2022 were against two defendants. Thirty-four cases were filed against one company, G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc., while another eleven cases were filed against LineQuest, LLC. So if those two lines of cases were considered to be consolidated for counting purposes, there would be a sharp drop in the number of FLSA filings in the past year in the WDTX. It is this author’s opinion that the FLSA numbers are down in the Western District because much of the “low hanging fruit” with respect to overtime claims in the oil and gas industry has been picked – companies have switched many of their workers that used to be paid day rates or salaries to hourly pay, because of the wave over the past five years of overtime filings. That is not to say that overtime claims in the oilfields are dead – there are still many violations in the industry.
The price of oil remained high in 2022, meaning more workers were hired and employed in the industry. It is important that oilfield companies continue to comply with federal law. Specifically, with the amount of rigs continuing to increase, more oilfield workers will be tasked with working longer hours. If a worker works longer than 40 hours per week, he or she is generally required to be paid overtime at a rate of time and a half for all hours worked over 40.
If you are an oilfield worker who has worked over 40 hours per week and has not been paid overtime, talk to an experienced overtime pay attorney as soon as possible to learn of your legal rights. Josh Borsellino is an experienced FLSA attorney that understands state and federal overtime laws. He regularly files overtime cases in Midland, Odessa, San Antonio, Pecos and across West and South Texas and in federal court in New Mexico. He offers free consultations and can be reached at 817.908.9861 or 432.242.7118.